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Old 06-24-2001, 02:11 AM   #262
The Magister

Join Date: April 7, 2001
Location: Florida,USA
Posts: 111
"Pirates?",the Paladin snarls,ripping his Holy Avenger,free of the floor boards."Hold the eggs,I'll just be a second."
"ForHelm! For clean underwear and Pure thoughts! RRAAAAAARRRAGGGHHH!!!"
Swinging the sword upright it shears though one of the overhead beams. He charges the huddled group of pirates. The foremost one begans to wave his hands and mumble a spell,which is cut off as the sword splits him cleanly in two on the downstroke. Pandemonium reigns as the pirates scramble to evade the huge blade which is indiscriminately slicing chunks out of pirates,the doorway,tables and anything else within reach.
"Dirty,no-good @#@^^$#&!!@@!!!" the Paladin snarls flipping an impaled pirate off the end of his sword with all the grace of a farmer pitching hay into a loft. The remaining pirates scramble on their hands and knees,scuttling under one table after another as the enraged Paladin chops through every table to get at them. In desperation the pirates tackle Tiax and hold a rusty butterknife to his throat.
"Stop where you are",the pirate screams, "or the paper boy gets it!"

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