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Old 11-23-2001, 08:06 AM   #8

Join Date: May 16, 2001
Location: Estonia
Posts: 532
Well, people gave here enough of tips.. What I don't agree though is that the game experience would be "ruined" if someone would tell me what step to take next [img]smile.gif[/img] I don't see how it can ruin, considering that you STILL have to take the step and go through the whole affair on your own, with your own means and gear and wits. Before I got the game, there were already complete spoilers and solutions and what not else on the net, heck I even got the game after I read one review, which also contained a FULL walkthrough. It didn't "ruin" my fun in a least bit, just the opposite actually! It showed me that there's so much cool things coming up! Not to mention that by the time I got the game I didn't remember a lousy thing about the walkthrough and tips and what not else, what was in that artice, yet the game was still total fun to me.

Ease up people, few "tips" will not really "ruin the fun" to anyone, as these are just too general things. After all, the person receiving the tips still has to do it all, go through it all on his/her own. Heh, even if someone would post some 'step-by-step' guide per fight a la "How to win the fight with " I still wouldn't mind or case, since I would still do it my way, which often is a total opposite to the suggested method and what someone else wouldn't try, thinking it to be a doomed plan. Basically, if someone would tell me that "in area X is N amount of big bad mean mobs, frontal assault is suicide, go from behind, kill one by one and then cast some frikkin' big mean spell somewhere there and watch 'em die" - I would simply don the Boots of Speed, draw my swords, scream "Surrender fools!" and charge the front gates

But yeah, relax, few tips or suggestions never ruined anyone's game..
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