Thread: LOF: Awakenings
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Old 02-06-2007, 11:47 PM   #6
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
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Ana studied Tao for a moment. She had become close to her during this trek through the woods to Lockesville, caring for the wounded lady and learning how to better understand her. Tao was a very concealed persona, hiding much under her many layers, and deep down there where even Ana had not been able to reach yet there was something gnawing at Tao's soul. There was a personal, mental struggle that the lady was suffering and she wanted to be left alone to deal with it, and so Ana had been unsuccessful in her attempts to help. As a cleric, she felt that she was letting her patient down because of this, and so was overcompensating in other ways by treating Tao as a precious friend that she could not part from.

However, she could easily read the feeling of concern, maybe even trouble coming from Tao now.

She spoke to nobody in particular.

"This is a human settlement, and from the looks of it they are more primitive in their ways than that of other towns we have thus visited. It may be that we are not well-received, being that none of us are actually human..."

At this, she looked at Vincent whose wild-elf mother shown clearly in his features.

"Let us be on our best behavior, and be quick to pass through, hopefully without causing too much of a stir..."

At this, Yevaud was paid a well-earned glare.

"We are low on money for equipment repair and replacements, so I suggest we try to find some employment so we can be on our way. We'll also need to seek further healing for Lady Tao, and for her costs I will take that unto myself.

Let's go."

With that, Anarrima began to lead the way to the large gate that was opening even as they were nearing it.
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