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Old 07-15-2001, 07:10 AM   #3

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The assasian class in quite hard to implement, as in the pnp game the assain only recives the benfit of identiying posines, so this kit is about the role playing or justification of charecters. it can also be used by any charecter so they had to make it up from scratch. BUt the -10 penalty is to much as a swashbuckler can eiasly get every ability to about 100, wheras assaisns are lucky to get 4 to 100.

i tried the kit, and got to tademeet and gave up beacuse it was so weak on its own. IT does work well if you just do stealth abilites and then dual class to fighter. But th poisen ability would have been better off with something like people sellign bottled posins that only assasins can use and that coat a weapon till used and only work a few times and a vareity of poisens too.

The most Holy and Divine Godly and Wise Noble and Kind Knights of the Ever burning Flame Imperishable of Eternal Hope and Faith from which all Life will find its Perfect Gleaming Shining Defence Force of honour and Righteous Justice to protect them form the Corrupt Amoral Baneful Evil Flagitious Nefarious Vile wretched Depraved Low Base Sordid and dirty Wizard of ultimate doom Who wishes to destroy This Eden like Land of Bountiful Promise And Racial Harmony with great natural beauty which He dare not despoil with Grasping Talons of Destroying Misery Death pollution destruction anhilation War Strife Xenocide and Hatred