Thread: DROW MR
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Old 05-18-2001, 09:55 AM   #7
The Magister

Join Date: May 9, 2001
Location: Greensboro
Posts: 129
Yes, it is the radioactivity of the Underdark that bestows those magic powers to the drow and other similar races. The radioactivity is caused by certain crystal formation, and their magical equipment is acquired by letting the armor and weapons sit in close proximity of the crystals for X number of years. That is why every drow has at least +3 weapons and armor, and why their equipment is destroyed in sunlight.

Oh, and I do realize I am pathetic for knowing all this, but in my younger years I read EVERY piece of drow information I could get my hands on. As far as the other races though, they have various powers too, but I can't remember because I didn't "study" them like I did drow.

Damn, I am pathetic...
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