Thread: Eve or Anarchy?
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Old 11-04-2004, 12:51 AM   #25
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: June 27, 2001
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Age: 43
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First of all, MMORPGS isn't about roleplaying and it will never change. Anyone that tell you so obviously hasn't played them for long. Think of them as 3d board games instead.

Out of all the population of every mmorpgs, there might be less than 1% of them that roleplay. In the 5 or so years I've been playing those games, I've ran in about 20 people that acted in character. Most of those had a regular character, and just played the "in character" one about once a week for a few hours. I only every saw 2 that stayed in character all the time.

There also will be lots of powergaming. The majority of players do it. If you don't do it, expect the majority of the players to be more powerfull and better equiped than you. If you want to play for your ego and don't want to powergame, then forget it.

Anarchy Online had a lot of promise back then, but personally, I didn't like it. I got it the day it came out, and only 2 hours after the shop were open, I was already home loging on. Me and my best online friend of back then were planing to switch to that game.

I played it for a week, but it was extremly broken and the gameplay wasn't really interesting. I stoped playing then and went back to my regular game. My friend kept playing for a few more months until he too got tired of it and came back to our old game.

Maybe a year after the game was out, I decided to give it a try, in hope that they had fixed the bugs, gameplay, and added more content. Well, it was still the the same, so after one day of playing, I quit again.

I never played Eve Online, but the screenshots are awesome and the game look fun. Just keep in mind that it's apparently a starship game, so there will be even less roleplaying in it than in regular ones.

MMORPGS are like PC and MAC. People always get loyal to the one they play and will refuse to accept any other ones. They will all be inferior to them. That's why so many people just want Everquest 2. They all first played the first one. It's not important to them that Final Fantasy, Matrix online, Middle Earth online, Warcraft, Dongeons and Dragons online are all in production or available. They won't even try them and if they do, they will be biased against them anyway. All mmorpgs gamers are like that to a degree. Want an example of this? Look at Deathkiller's post... [img]tongue.gif[/img]

There is also lots of bias against mmorpgs from people that never played them. I'm not sure why. It's the same phenomenon than the D&D bias.

In my opinion, you have a problem if you can't fit 10$ a month in your budget...

[ 11-04-2004, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: Luvian ]
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