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Old 12-02-2000, 07:22 AM   #1

Posts: n/a

There are some houses in game which are marked/named, yet they do nothing mostly. Perhaps this also depends on the people you have in your party.. So question is - there are 2 named houses, estates, in Bridge area, what for are those? I recall hearing somewhere that one of them is tied to Anomen quest? What about the other? For example (and I had no Anomen with me) I entered the house near the "Bel the Merchant" in Bridge district, thru the top door and I was immediately attacked. So I wiped the place but now I don't remember if I even got anything useful out of it. I certainly did not get any rep. hit. Is that house a part of the quest? With what NPC? And what about the house which is near the Fallen Paladins, the estate of.. someone?

Temple district - there are 3 temples, guarded compound and Radiant Heart house. I entered the guarded house and got Celestial Fury from there, amont with other loot to sell/keep, nothing else. OK fine. Helm temple and Lathander temple give you quests and also are tied to cleric "stronghold" quests (I have yet to try that)? Radiant Heart will give some quests, also paladin "stronghold" quests and as I heard, Anomen's quests also? Temple of Talos is just for stealing the necklace for Shadow Thieves and cleric quest? And yes, then the Unseeing Eye quests for Helm, illithid lair, also the kidnapped bard.. Heh funny was the Garric hitting on that paladin lady, with the gnome putting the words into Garrics mouth, remainds me the classics..

Goverment District - the jail there? Just for touring? Perhaps I just do not have the needed person with me.. There are also some estates which are tied to Helm/Keldorn/Cernd quests, among with Nalia. Viconia also to be freed. Anything else?

Waukeen's Promenade - just a shopping area, aside the Cernd quest, starting quest (circus), temple quests (illithium)? What's with the dude at the fountain near the district exit who hates elves? Also there's this vendor who says he's buying paintings, and when use use Detect Evil he sure blinks red - what's up with him? There's prolly something more, I have just missed them I guess heh..

Slums - mostly shopping area, aside with some quests tied to every class (slaves in Coronet, Jaheira's curse, temple quest) and also the Sphere (wizard stronghold). Anything more?

And so on.. I wonder if most or all of these places are tied to people you have in your party? In that case, to get the max exp and loot etc, you can just at some point ditch someone (tell to wait in, say, Coronet), take someone else, do the quests and ditch again for someone else.. Long time queting and all, but exp and gear is (supposedly) flowing in
