Thread: starcraft... :)
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Old 11-29-2001, 03:34 AM   #19
Thoth - Egyptian God of Wisdom

Join Date: August 16, 2001
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Dark Templar rushes in the beginning can be murder...

With the tank creep, I meant later in the game - it doesn't happen often, because it's difficult to manage and takes a lot of resources. If a Terran player has an army of siege tanks, plus enough goliaths and valkyries (BW unit, air vs air, does area damage, means death for all mutas), as well as scout ships to find any lurkers, dark templars, mines, or other fun cloaked units... there's not a lot you can do. Of course, to be caught in this situation you have to have either played incompetently or the other guy is very good, as a tank creep like that takes loads of resources and time, which the other guy should NOT have if you are attacking him enough.
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