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Old 11-11-2000, 02:11 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

well i bought that cool lil scull dagger (the one that has a red glow around it) from the pown shop...i had my theif try and use it and bam!!! it was cursed!$#@*&^#@&^%#!@# ok no big deal walking to the church to get this curse lefted off....did it and then went back to the pown shop to sale it back to him..anyways i remember how much i paid for it 800 smackers! and the pown shop guy asked for 900 smackers! ...haha thats an extra 100 smackers for i took out all the stuff i had in the theif holding and loaded up on all the scull daggers i could get the max i could hold was 24....(lets see 24 daggers at $100 for each one) it comes out to $2,400 now thats good for me and bad for the shop keeper remember its almost a theif rule to not take advantage of this kind of thing i dont know if its cheating but i didnt see anything else on here saying anything about it so...i did!

hope this helps all of ya out there for the help i have got from here ...thanks people