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Old 10-27-2000, 09:52 AM   #2

Posts: n/a

First of all go back to town. Now scroll all the way over to the right side of town and go out that gate. Follow the path to the graveyard and crypt. This is an easier section for a new party and better to start with.

To go up a ladder step up in front of it, look up and move forward. You should climb right up. To go down? No one seems to know. If you figure it out let us know. Seriously it is very difficult to climb down and most people just end up falling.

To open a chest walk up to it. Have your rogue selected and click the chest. On the right you will see a description of the type of trap, three buttons beneath it, and a 3x3 grid to the right. Click the button to pick the lock and the buttons to the right will start to flicker and change colors. Most of them need to change colors before the chest will open. Watch the status bar that changes from green to yellow to red. Once it gets in the red the trap could be sprung at any point. You can click the cancel button to abort the attempt and try again if it doesn't look like you are going to make it. Once your skill in lockpicking is 2-3 you should be able to open most of the chests in the crypt w/o a problem.

Good luck.