Thread: Use All Items
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Old 10-06-2001, 07:23 PM   #1

Join Date: October 2, 2001
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
Age: 42
Posts: 4,774
My TOB manual has gone MIA, and it dosent look like its ever coming back. So, I need to know what the above ability actually does. I mean, does it allow you to ignore every single usability restriction. Can a good thief suddenly use evil-only 2 handed swards, wear human leather armour, carry a staff of the magi and things like nalias ring or the corthala family armour.

Can I get proficiencies with weapons I normally coudnt use? could I back stab with a holy avenger sword? And would anything be able to survive a triple damage attack with a sword like that?. To say nothing of quintuple when i get around to restoring the original Imoen.

It seems to be a very powerful ability, the sort of thing any responsible GM would ban outright (so naturally i've been on the recieving end of similar countless times) so there must be a catch.
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