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Old 11-30-2000, 04:22 AM   #11
Welcomed New User

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Posts: 3


You speak of much wisdom. I fear that these toad-girls seek the excitement of toads past.. they want the adventure of a macho toad, like Arno-toad or James-Dean-toad, before they settle down with stable, creative toad like us. Well, I, for one, as toad, won't stand for it! I demand a toad-girl to love me for me, and not just as stable fall-out after her wild toad-tamperings! So there!

I am Ukabu-Slip, here me roar! I may not be James Dean but I have my own special toad-karma!

So escape your fascination with Bradon Frazier and Tom Cruise, Toad-girls! Ukabu!
We are real, and breathing toads
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