Thread: Additional DLC
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Old 11-08-2009, 05:15 PM   #1
Micah Foehammer
Ma'at - Goddess of Truth & Justice

Join Date: November 15, 2001
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Default Additional DLC

If you want to earn three extra bonus items, go to

The items are:

Embri's Many Pockets

Embri of Gwaren, an elven mage of limited talent who volunteered to become one of the Tranquil, proved herself a talented enchanter--if absent-minded. She kept an array of magical ingredients on her belt at all times, and eventually the belt itself became magical. Embri died of lyrium poisoning many years later, but the enchanted belt remains.

+5% Fire Resistance
+5% Cold Resistance
+5% Electricity Resistance
+5% Nature Resistance
+5% Spirit Resistance

Helm of the Deep

There is a legend amongst the dwarves of the Legion of the Dead that, three centuries ago, a commander of the Legion came across the body of a legionnaire wearing a helmet inscribed with lyrium. He took it, and died nobly... and then his body was found years later by another commander--and so forth, for generations. The helmet is said to be a sign of an honorable death for the lucky dwarf who stumbles across it.

+2 Constitution
+10 Mental Resistance
+10 Physical Resistance

Amulet Of the War Mage

This amulet was forged during the height of the ancient Tevinter Imperium's power, a time when entire armies would flee upon seeing a Tevinter magister stride into battle. While the name Cavellus remains engraved on its back, any memory of the magister who created it has been lost to the mists of time.

+5% to Fire Damage
+5 % to Cold Damage
+5% to Electrical Damage
+5% to Nature Damage
+5% to Spirit Damage

I think it took me about 6 hours to complete the three run-throughs necessary to unlock all three items. Once unlocked, they should be available for download after you install the game.
“Every tavern’s an opportunity, I say.”  783
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