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Old 08-27-2001, 12:00 AM   #2
Lord Ao

Join Date: May 17, 2001
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Age: 53
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Originally posted by I Give Up:
Can anyone give me some advice on how to create superior necromancer? Like what spells work best? What armor/items/weapons/alignment/reputation and such. Thanks.

Well, a high intelligence is a must (18 definitely); an 18 in dexterity and a 16 in constitution is also nice. You will have a minimum of 16 in wisdom (standard for necromancers).

Alignment should be evil, unless you want to play a grim good guy (most necromancers are evil, but some good ones exist who study the art of death to exact revenge on an evil opponent who destroyed their lives). If evil, unless you feel really confident in your abilities (and don't want to use neutral characters to help round out the group), I would keep my reputation around the neutral range. Most evil characters are smart enough to keep a low profile in good and neutral lands; a character with 18 intelligence and 16 wisdom should definitely do the same. If good, do the normal good things (max out rep, unless you are mixing neutrals in).

As far as equipment is concerned, get the Robe of Vecna as soon as possible (most powerful robe plus it was used by a lich). Otherwise, standard equipment for mages.

Spells should be the most useful, with a little extra necromantic thrown in. You can't learn illusion spells, but other than that you are unrestricted on spell selection. If you really want to fit the mold, lean more towards direct damage and the necromantic spells.

Hope that helps!


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