Thread: about wizard
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Old 03-15-2001, 10:48 PM   #13
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

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Originally posted by Lifetime:
First I'd like to state that this is my opinion, not the final word on this subject, and I'd like it if someone can give me a different take on this.
While Qi, Ki, or Chi (same thing, same pronounciation) can not be readily explained, most people agree that it is a form of inner force/life force and can be harnessed by conditioning your body to it. This is the force that martial artists use to break blocks, this is the force that enables men to have bricks smashed over themselves while lying on blocks of needles. If you ask any martial artist who is serious in his craft, they will tell you that the feat of breaking blocks is done by mental preparation and conditioning your mind to harness the force and break the block FIRST, rather than superhuman strength or technique.
This force, in my opinion, allows men to perform feats that are not readily explained, it allows men to tap into this potential that most do not know is there, and can thus be almost magical in nature. Maybe it involved getting into a different, more condusive state of mind (anyone heard of the Alpha/Beta/Gamma stages of your conciousness? Please tell me if you have, my memory of it is not very clear) to use the other 70% of your brain that remains dormant in your life.
About death touches, or Qi harnessed to harm coupled with technique or skill, I do believe that it is possible to strike a blow that will kill or render a man unconcious instantly. It is logical that since our bodies need constant pumpings of blood to keep our organs functioning, striking an area to stop this flow of blood even for a milisecond could produce such effects.
On a personal note, there was a time when I was in school, and there was this trick going around. A person would ask you to close your eyes and do something with your hands, like cross them on your chest or something, I do not remember, and they would touch a part or strike a blow and the person would just blackout. It was not like a solid punch to the head or a jab in the family jewels, but a touch in a certain area and the person would just fold.
Scary no?

I believed, most people who perform break blocks and have hammers smash on the huge rock upon his chest is not real.

the former, people can break some fake rocks. the later, it involved physics. It had something to do with an object's momentum. I never seen, or heard people got smacked by a hammer and still stay concious. (of course, there are people use other object, like a stick, or bat, but much weaker to a degree.)

what people do was, lay on the ground (or needles, whatever you prefer) and put a huge block of rock on his chest, then another man use a very scary looking hammer and smack down. then the rock breaks, and the man stand up, and look fine.

in physics, there is a law, that the momentum maintains constant. so the man with the hammer smack down and hit the rock, the two object as a system, has a total momentum of the hammer. momentum equals to speed times weight (which is very small in this case of the hammer), and also, lighter object tend to have higher energy, therefore, there were actually little energy pass on to the rock, so the man beneath could stay alive.

lol, if you do it otherwise, like, put a hammer on the man, and smack him with a huge rock, see if he can stay alive.

and yes, I believe the thing "qi" can kill and do a lot of amazing things. heh, life time, how much chinese are you?
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