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Old 09-28-2001, 08:54 AM   #1

Join Date: September 23, 2001
Location: Istanbul (not Constantinople)
Age: 45
Posts: 486
Ok, here's what I'm trying to figure out. I'd like to play with all the NPCs in a game and I think it figured out how. Basically, I want to design a party of 5 characters, and then let the 6th slot be filled with an extra. Here's what I'm thinking would work.

Party A
Minsc -> Keldorn
Jahiera -> Mazzy
Me (wild mage)
Jan -> Imoen

I hear it's good to have a full cleric in the game. But I also hear that Keldorn and Viconia won't work together. So then I thought of this one...

Party B
Me (wild mage)
Jan -> Imoen

The thing about this one is that I don't have a full cleric, but two halfs, which may be good, but they'll both level up rather slow anyway. Besides, this leaves my only romance to be Aerie, and she kinda annoys me.

Party C
Me (wild mage)
Jan -> Imoen

I figure that even though I lose Keldorn, I have a full cleric, a good Tank (gotta love Minsc), I can do a romance with either Vic or Jah. And then I can pick up Mazzy later as a good sniper. I was also thinking of keeping mazzy as my 6th after I'm done with the other NPCs.

One more thing though, because I'm a good party, do I have to worry about Vic leaving if my rep gets too high? Also, what's the soonest possible chapter to rescue Imoen, and what level should my chars be to do so? I want to get her as soon as possible and then do the rest of the NPC quests so I can level Imoen up more. But try not to spoil too much, if anything, as I'm only up to chapter 2. Thanks.
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