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Old 12-02-2004, 07:10 AM   #9
Winter Wolf

Join Date: November 4, 2004
Location: Shanghai, China
Posts: 226
I used to like roleplaying, but then I moved out of the area (waaaay out of the area) and anyway the best groups I've played with are scattered to the four winds and/or really busy with real life.
Still buy the books though. Or at least make sure if people ask gift ideas to point them in that area. Still trying to come up with a campaign world too, but too many ideas so it's become like two or three worlds.
Played D&D 2e and 3.0e, picked up some other stuff like BESM (d6, NOT d20) and thought it was an interesting setup.
Main problem now is no one here speaks english, and I *really* don't want to try and pull it off in Chinese. Plus the govt might accuse me of "corrupting the people".
Calling a person a dog is just about the worst insult I can think of. Dogs deserve better than that.
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