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Old 06-07-2001, 01:33 PM   #7
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: March 3, 2001
Location: Columbus, Ohio USA
Posts: 650
My Dad's name was JC. My grandson's name is Josh Carter. My grandson told my Dad one day "My name is JC too!" My Dad was so very pleased with this that he often told others about it. My grandson lives far from us here in Ohio, so my Dad and Josh didn't get to see each other very often. All the more reason why my Dad was so pleased that Josh wanted to be JC too.

I was blessed like you, Moni. My Dad was a loving, caring and responsible father. He died from cancer in October 1995. I have heard that your body remembers tragic or traumatic events in your life, even if you don't. Therefore, people may experience some depression or discomforts during a time frame when things happened to them, like a parents death, without even knowing why they are feeling like that.

I choose to remember the good things too. My Dad always called butterflys, "flutter bys". He said when he was grilling, the bird asked him for a "cheeseburger, cheeseburger". He had a welcome mat that said "Wipe your feet, stupid". He donated a piano to the church and led the singing in his wonderful deep baritone voice. When I was little, he would let me sit on his foot and he would walk around with me holding on to his leg. I was sad when I got to big to do this. He was smart and funny and I miss him, but I am glad he was my Dad.


I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. Philiappians 4:13
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