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Old 07-25-2001, 06:04 PM   #15

Join Date: May 4, 2001
Location: The Outside Looking In
Age: 37
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u...huh. your character, no matter how tough he may seem in bg1, is no match for most of our characters here. im wagering that my fighter/mage would take him sooo easily, even though he has obviously hacked stats (19 CON is impossible for elves in bg1, and im not even mentioning what your gonna do to him in bg2...). drow lose most of their special abilities on the surface, that includes the mag resist. im not sure if they just worship a god that they get to keep that, but then again, i dont know all the rules about stuff like that. if your gonna make a god character, fine, so did i at one time, but please dont use the excuse 'hes the son of a god' cuz hes still part mortal, or 'hes taking one one of the greatest legends in FR history!' cuz even tho he may be, any character in bg2 can take him out when they get to him more than likely, so thats hardly an excuse as well.

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