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Old 03-04-2001, 03:23 PM   #215
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
Posts: 19,737
Ok, I'm reduced to conversing with myself...sniffle...

Cloudy: So Stormy, how's life treating you in the big castle ?

Stormy: Ah, No complaints, but there are so many knights running around trying to get into my sister's rooms all of a sudden- I had to hire more guards!

Cloudy: Well, fame'll do that to a person. You think she's going to tell any more juicy stories? There's a great big slobbering audience out here and I've got the popcorn concession. Might be lucrative and then BK and I can actually take that honeymoon in Trademeet that we never got around to.

Stormy: Well, the Chronicler, Black Knight (ooooh isn't he dreamy?!), is working hard on the stories, but my sister is rather excitable and she's not telling them in any cohesive fashion...sigh..and I try to pry things out of them, but no dice. I'm telling you , my Paladin needs that trip!

(wink, nudge, giggle)

Cloudy: Rumour has it that Jerome the CAPSLOCK KING and his crony HELLFIRE have been seen around the estates.

Stormy: Hmmmm? oh yes, they have...sorry ....was er...thinking... about that, if only they'd finish the tale...sigh...
oh Hellfire? Here? I think I have to leave now, I left a Matchstick burning and it needs EXTINGUISHING! BWAHAHAHAHA

StormQueen exits to courtyard, munching a peanutbutter and marshmallow sandwich and wiping her lips with a kleenex (LOLOLOLOL)


(Ziroc: had to edit, post somehow make the browser run off)

[This message has been edited by Ziroc (edited 03-04-2001).]
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