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Old 11-11-2001, 05:10 PM   #4
JR Jansen
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: May 31, 2001
Location: Mol (Belgium)
Posts: 658
Try summoning some stuff. Noteable here are Nishruu's and/or Hakeashar's. Get your best fighters to keep Jon's attention while your mages are summoning. Then pull everybody out of Jon's sight. Because this is primarely a magic battle, the nishruus should hold out long and absorb some if not all of his damage. If one gets killed, due to a death spell or something, just summon another. Don't worry about loosing out on items because once the battle ends, you'll be transported immediatly so you can't pick them up anyway.
JR<p>Damned i lost cousin Jan\'s techno gloves<p>Forest runner and first gnomish demiranger-protector with slightly rougueish tendencies and a natural dislike for Aerie
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