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Old 07-23-2001, 07:43 PM   #39
Silver Dragon

Join Date: March 14, 2001
Location: Agharti. Mountains of Madness
Posts: 1,673
People are confused as to why I killed her, okay it was so I could raise her as an undead servant and make her answer my questions so we wouldnt have to go and tiresomly torcher her. Isnt the humane thing to do, that and more fun.

Jabidas steps in to the shadows of the prime material from the demiplane of shadows behind the dragon, he promptly fires a horrid wilting up its real and the dragon howls in agony as its ass falls apart, the dead flesh withers and cracks like meat rotting at incredible speed. The stench is horrifying and the elf dimension doors away quickly. As the serpent turns to face the now departed Sorcerer it recieves a spell sequancer of 3 skull traps into its unprotected flank, it reels about eyes swiming in pain as blood pours out in red torrents. jabidas shouts someone finish it quick.

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