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Old 10-17-2000, 10:56 AM   #4

Posts: n/a

Arkanis Gath also pissed me off. I don't think you can kill him (see exception below).
He seems to do instant death. He never misses and each hit kills the character with no save possible. Once he kills the protagonist it is game over.

I spent about 1/2 hour trying various combinations and strategies to kill him. But he never got beyond 'Near Death'.
I think he's the method by which the game says 'sorry you just made a decision that will prohibit you from finishing the game'.

He appears if you piss of thieve's guild and if you're following the path of siding with the thieves guild (this includes the Maeron guild quest even if you haven't paid the 15000 gp fee yet).

I think this was a poor decision by the game designers. Especially in the Maeron guild quest. It should be possible to kill them all, find the key and then report back that you have evidence. But the game prohibits this by throwing in Arkanis Gath.

Similarly, if you elect to side with the vampires and later attack Bohdi she kills the entire party with a single spell. This is a bit more definitive because your party doesn't even get a chance to attack back.

NOTE: if you side with Bodhi one of the first quests for her is to hijack a thieves guild shipment. In that encounter you get to fight Arkanis Gath and he is not Mr. Invincible anymore. So along that path you can actually kill him (but at the price of siding with the vampires)