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Old 01-30-2001, 12:40 AM   #72

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To answer your "question of the day" that you mentioned earlier, wanting to know the spanish word for OK...the literal term is Bueno. Of course, Norhtern Mexicans will understand OK just the same...I lived in Tijuana and Mexicali for two years, and you would be surprised to hear how many "spanish" words are just english words that are adapted into their own language. "Spanglish" is a good way to put it.
There are a few of us on the postings here that are fluent...Memnoch and ¿ Armsiel ?(spelling)are two that I know of.
Digo yo, es bien importantismo para aprender Español. Nuestros niños van a usar español mas y mas en las esquelas y con sus amigos, porque hay vienen muchos Hispanos de nuestro paiz. Aprendelo...y nunca lo dejas fallar...Es su futuro...¿Comentos? ¿Pregunatas? ¿Chistes? ¿Chismes?