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Old 11-23-2000, 07:55 PM   #2
Welcomed New User

Join Date: May 31, 2001
Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Posts: 2

Me I wish I had never discovered any of the gold cheats, as that ruins one of the challenges of the game, but is irrestible - I keep saying "If they're daft enough to buy at higher prices than they sell, are my characters daft enough to not get the training they want" etc etc

Editing characters I would do to recover from the effect of a bug - but that mainly happens with items (quest bugs), and I don't think there is an items editor.

A game played with 'supercharacters' is a vast yawn - I always enjoy the start of an RPG, when survival is tenuous - more exciting.


If you really want it there is one at
a lousy way to ruin an excellent game.
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