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Old 04-30-2001, 10:17 AM   #16
Drizzt Do'Urden

Join Date: March 15, 2001
Location: Missouri, USA
Posts: 632
Bruce & Dreamer,

I'm guessing from all of your bumping that you two folks have probably visited the Black Isle forum on ToB? Absolutely poorly administered. Lots of unmarked spoilers and no one saying boo about it...*sigh*...I just don't lurk there anymore and it avoids the whole problem.

However, I liked that forum initially because the developers were asking for suggestions and were fairly open and involved with the posters. That was kind of cool. One of the best threads (without going into detail) was one of the designers asking for suggestions as to how to make dragons more challenging. Got some real good suggestions, most revolving around eliminating "cheese tactics" usability.


Now where did I leave that doughnut?!
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