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Old 06-01-2001, 08:33 PM   #4
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Monroe, LA
Age: 60
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Here's what the various attributes influence:

Strength: Determines how heavy a weapon you may use, and how much you can carry, based on your race. Characters with STR>15 can deal extra bonus damage with certain weapons. Strength also influences forcing locks on doors and treaure chests.

Intellect: Directly influences how many skill points you get. The formula is: INT/4, and round down to the integer. EX: a character with 13 INT will get 13/4=3.25 => 3 skill points when s/he levels up. It also affects how well Stone and Sun spells may be cast, and for picking traps and locks, and pickpocketing.

Spirituality: Directly affects the amount of Mana you receive for each mana pool. Also has an effect upon how well Spirit and Vine magic may be cast.

Dexterity: directly influences your Hit statistic, and directly affects Traps & Locks and Pickpocket ability.

Agility: Influences your Parry skill, and your speed rating. Characters with higher Agility can attack more often than those with lower agility, dependent on role and race.

Fortitude: Influences how many HP character will get (dependent on role and race), and the success of resurrection or rebirth in case of death. Also influences character resistance to certain conditions, such as disease.

Will: Affects magical resistances and the ability to overcome magical effects, and affects how potent a spellcaster's spells will be (in conjunction with the Sorcery stat). It also influences the ability to cast Moon and Fiend spells. Higher Wills mean better prices in stores, as well.

Presence determine how much attention the character will generate from others, either friend or foe. In combat, higher presence means the character will be attacked more often (although I've rarely seen this), except in Monk and Ninja (and Zenmaster roles), where Presence can be used to control the appearance.

Hope this helps!
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