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Old 01-24-2002, 11:13 AM   #5

Join Date: November 13, 2001
Location: madrid, spain... made in argentina
Age: 47
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first of all. all i mentioned about bush is his close affinity with mr lay and the insinuation that he probably knew what was going on at enron (a thing i am absolutely sure). so lashing out at that only implies that subconsciounsly you think he is involved.

besides, his involvment will be determined in the long run. but consider this facts. he is the president of the us. he was a good personal friend of the president of enron (he received millions in funding from him). he was president of an oil company when younger (one of the many companies he bankrupted while building his cv to be a president). his closest collaborators in the energy dept and other depts of the gov met with chief enron staff several times months before the bankrupcy. he received several phone calls from lay and other enron execs... yeah, he probably knew nothing about it.

second... who the heck is dubbyah???
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