Thread: ATTN: Jake
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Old 09-12-2001, 10:07 PM   #82
Diogenes Of Pumpkintown
Banned User

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Guys and gals, perhaps it would have been better if I had never made an issue out of Jake's banning.

I will drop it, with one last parting comment :

I think you guys are overreacting to what he said and reading WAY too much into it. That is perfectly understandable, considering the emotions involved and his poor sense of timing.

However, to describe him as being Hitler's best friend and basically a psychopath on the basis of a few sentences is stretching, to say the least. Someone who had not read what he actually said, and just hearing your comments, would think he had posted a detailed description as to why mass murder is his favorite pastime.

What he actually said was considerably less, and you guys are putting the absolute worst possible spin on his words and reading a lot into them, which perhaps he didn't mean. He actually didn't say much, and this was the worst of it: "Wasn't much of a suprise to me, not to many countrys like America. Besides, I think Americans are arigant bastards (no offence ), looking at the t.v., the goverment of America tryed to give us the impression that they can take on the world. This is exiting news."

Okay, first of all, it is simply a fact that America is disliked by a lot of people in the world. Secondly, on the international stage, America DOES often act arrogantly. Thirdly, the government of America, and many Americans, do in fact like to act as if they can take on the rest of the world.

NONE of the above is reason to get much upset at all. The entire problem here boils down to the final sentence: four short words, which may or may not have meant the monstrous things you guys are assuming. Why not give the guy the benefit of the doubt at least this once to see if he really is an evil monster, rather than drawing sweeping conclusions about his entire life from this one short sentence. Certainly we all have been guilty of ill chosen words before, which might have been misconstrued to make us look equally bad.

All the rest of his comments were personal flames, which he started doing in response to people flaming him, further statements about the arrogance of America (which might very well be true), and the comment about the kamikazes -- which of course was something that happened over 50 years ago, not yesterday.

Okay, I have said my piece on this subject, and will say no more. I am not trying to make a big deal out of this or accuse Ziroc or the Mods or Ironworks of being evil or anything like that. I just think maybe we shouldn't be so hasty in condemning the poor slob over a few words. Of course, maybe he really is the evil monster you assume -- my point is simply that perhaps we should not be so hasty in jumping to that conclusion, on such slim evidence.

Peace to all. And I promise, no matter what anybody else says on this thread that is the last from me, no matter how much I may want to respond
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