Thread: The Depression
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Old 03-10-2001, 02:39 PM   #23

Posts: n/a
Spot On, Moraine, you couldn't be more right or correct. If I understand you correctly, griever, you HAVE told her how you feel and HAVE initiated or tried to initiate closer contact of the personal kind?- i. e., holding hands, talking face to face? and she has ignored or not responded to your attempts? But, she still will chat on computer with you, and tells you close and intimate things while the computer separates the two of you? And when you try to be close in person she does not respond? I may be able to give some hard-won experience, but I am not sure after reading the thread exactly what is going on. IF what I just said is what has/is happening, then, my friend, I'm afraid that I have some bad news for you. Consider the following facts as you have stated:

She stated she had a boyfriend when you first started chatting, but he was mean.
She was chatting with you, saying how badly she was treated by her boyfriend
She told you that she broke up with him, but was not ready for another one. - her stated reason to keep you at a safe distance behind the computer screen.
She did then also tell you - text only - that she loves you back.
She still does not do anything to go forward in person, text only.
You KNOW you are not the only one chasing(?) her - she HAD to tell you that for you to know that, yes?
She tells you that she is thinking about suicide/or tried it? - and still will not let you get close to comfort her, text only, again.
You see her in person, but she will not talk to you, but she KNOWS how you feel
because you have told her?
If the above is true, this girl is a player, griever, of the worst sort
claiming to have a bad boyfriend, getting sympathy from you by the bucketfull,
but when it comes time to prove it she backs off. Telling you about suicidal
thoughts or actions - that is ONLY to get your sympathy and attention.
She IS BAD NEWS Griever, run far, run fast, she is a mindf*cker, interested only in how far and how long she can string you along. This type of person thrives on having boys chase her, the more the better! If she had ANY real feelings for you, she would have by now done or said something in person. Stay away from her - for your own good.
If you want to do something to make yourself feel better, this is it:
Tell her you WILL NOT NO WAY take her to prom, or ever chat with her again.
Then, ask the girl that you said you were with the day the bad one would not talk to you to the prom - at least SHE is willing to be with/meet you in person.
If you try to keep the prom date with this female mind-flayer, she will CANCEL on you, and you will be left in the lurch with no date, because she is already planning to go with someone else, sorry to say. AND, she will leave you high and dry at the last minute, so you will not be able to find someone else to go with, and the reason she will do that is because she will be there with someone else, and does not want you to be there to see her do that.
IF I have understood all that you have said above, I will bet you the CRPG of your choice that I am right, and I will put the money in escrow with memny or vicotnik, or the member of your choice.
PLEASE do not let this psycho ruin your prom and life. I remember what love was like at 16, and believe me, it will probably never be as intense or hurt as much as it does right now- and that is after a divorce after 9 years, I still remember the first time I was in your position, and I think the pain of the two was equal, all things considered.
The best way for you to feel better is to take control of your life back from this little *itch. You can't do anything about the pain righrt now, but a damn good beginning would be to ask the other girl, even if you do not have all these feelings for her - you would be better of going with someone who is just a good friend anyway- the other girl will NOT be happy to see you at the prom with someone else, laughing, dancing and having a good time - she wants you to be at home, feeling suicidal over HER!
If I have gotten it wrong, let me know, but based on what you have said, This is the action plan you should pursue.
Of course, this advice is worth what you paid for it ($0.00), and opinions are like ....elbows. Everybody has a couple Let me know what you think, I am off to a friend who has aplace on the river with my daughter to go fishing and BBQ today, but my sympathy is with you.

When given a choice, take both.