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Old 05-26-2001, 12:52 PM   #39

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 6,541
Rolzi, mind your manners will you. I won't allow you to talk to board members like that, OK? Same to you cybaslasher! You're perfectly entitled to have an opinion, but please ventilate it without offending others...
Don't you people see this thread is a in, hypothetical!!! Of course none of the posters would actually want to have a relationship with an NPC (what this has to do with paedophilia escapes me, Aerie must be over 100 years old ), it's just a fun poll. When you're discussing fighting tactics here you don't plan on actually using them in real life, do you? (if you do, THEN you're a sick and twisted person) And don't you think it's a bit fishy that you both seem to think that saying the exact same thing about a celebrity *is* allowed?? Heck, I'd say the chances that either of us gets to date a celebrity is about as big as the chance for us to hit it off with a nymph!

Melusine, Archbabe of the Order of the Holy Flame and the Laughing Hyenas, &
Official Entertainer Elf of the BG2 Bar

Your voice is ambrosia
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