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Old 09-02-2001, 01:27 PM   #11

Posts: n/a
Graphics: 8/10 - But what the hey it's a RPG and RPG graphics just ain't great
Gameplay: 9.5/10 - there were parts where it could have been
Sound: 7/10 - as they said, there was too little sound
Replay Value: 9/10 - there are so many ways to play and so many classes and NPC's and stuff, Only thing that bugges me is that everytime i have to get through Irenicus' Dungeoun
Difficulty: 6/10 Averige, Know the game and it's quite easy
Overall(not an average): 9/10 Best Game I ever played but a pecfect 10, no but then again a perfect 10 is almost impossible, small errors and the first and 4th chapter make the 9. though it could have been a 9.5 too
compared to other games? 10/10 never had a game as good as BG2


OMG I have no Arms
Wait I don't have a body either
But i DO have a Desert Eagle