Thread: Religion II
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Old 02-06-2002, 07:40 AM   #32
Bastet - Egyptian Cat Goddess

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Sweden
Age: 50
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Hmm Garnet and Cerek, thats an interesting thiong you have going here. Religion and state.

In Sweden one king (Gustaf Vasa) seperated the church from the state once and for all. The church had for a long time been influencing the choice of kings and since the northern countries have been influencing each other hand sometimes had an arch bishope for the whole region, a danish bishop voted for a danish king on the Swedish throne and so on and vice versa. However Sweden pretty quickly adopted to the protestantic church, but Gustaf Vasa seperated the State from the church. IE the church held obidience to the Crown, and had to pay taxes for their land they held.

However christianity was held as the states religion for centuries and until somewhere in the 1970-s church and school was seperated. Freedom of belief mean s that you canīt force a kid to read the prayers in church, and thus, they canīt have it anymore. Religion is still a subject in school. And now there are also "freeschools" that can be more or less religious.

This is a problem though since the laws regarding schools states that any child hs the right to go to any school, religious or not and have their beliefs respected.

Another problem is that some religions finds the evolutionary theories blasphemy to their religious beliefs and they are not taught them correctly. This is in the school laws as well as one subject all have to learn!

So I guess that personally I would like to see a total seperation of religion and state and schools. You have the oppurtunity to go and pray in all schools. Muslims have the right to leave for praying and thus all can be treated equal, but some standards regarding education has to be met. Religion is an aspect of your own mind and can be taught properly in a church, Moské or at another religious place regarding your religion. School are to give all children an equal education. IMHO this would be the best solution.

If I ever have kids I would like for them to go to a none religious school so they have the oppurtunity to choose of their free will what or if they will believe and follow a religion.

Well that is at least how I see it..

Donīt eat the yellow snow
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