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Old 01-10-2005, 02:38 PM   #6

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You assume that that which gets posted is all that is considered or thought about.

Perhaps Davros, you may think that that which gets posted is but a small part of the whole and does not define the whole of what an individual or even a group may have to think or say about the issue. For example I could pick out the quote from the article that focuses on the nuttiness of "Americans" suggestiong it was terrorism..while ignoring the just as stupid idea that it was a plot by the US and Israel, or some other such nonesense....or maybe the article was about more than just that?

Perhaps the things posted were being posted all while packages of goods and cash were being spent to save peoples lives and that there was more in the world than one thread or two threads making public some little known issues that were being ignored.....maybe the point of the posts made here were to spread some alternative information that may not have been made public to certain segments of the world populations...of course I know some people will discard it out of hand just because "I" was the one who posted it [img]smile.gif[/img] They can put thier heads in the sand if they least I put it out there where they could see it.

Just because one does not like the poster, or the source...does not make it invalid....or untrue.

or perhaps what is posted here is the sum total of all knowledge in the universe and we should all check for our Towels and remember that awsome book labeled with the words.."Don't Panic".

[ 01-10-2005, 02:42 PM: Message edited by: MagiK ]
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