Thread: School Daze
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Old 08-22-2001, 05:19 AM   #14
Jack Burton

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Airstrip One
Age: 40
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Originally posted by Yorick:
Now how does that work? 32%C is 92%F doesn't it? (according to the car thermometer I saw recently.)

FATHER BRONZE! Good to see you back mate! Hope you're doing well.

To convert celsius to farenheit divide by 5 multiply by nine and add 32.

Now why is it that if it's hot I can relate to Farenheit but at low temperatures I relate it to centigrade. So I know that 0 degrees centigrade is bloody cold but 38 degrees centigrade doesn't convey the temperature as would 100 farenheit.


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