Thread: Hp's
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Old 10-27-2000, 02:32 PM   #2
Glorick the Half-Orc

Posts: n/a

Look in the guide. Once you are no longer rolling for HPs, you no longer get CON bonus as you go up in levels.

at 9th level with con 18, you would get 9*14 hps, or 126. At level 10, you only get 3 HPs, making it 129 HPs.

The max for a normal fighter (19th max, 18 CON) in this game is:
126 + 30 = 156
For a 1/2 orc or Dwarf (19 CON):
135 + 30 = 165
For a 1/2 orc or Dwarf Barbarian (19 CON):
153 + 30 = 183