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Old 02-06-2001, 05:55 PM   #17
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Upstate NY USA
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Ladyzekke: (I laughed so hard at your post I may have injured myself. You are in superb form tonight, sis!)

Oh, my sister, I am griefstruck! (sniffles, wipes tearstained face with back of dainty hand) Word has come to me that my truelove has another! If this be so, I am truly dishonored...woe is me! And he has vanished, not even daring to face me and explain himself! Oh I am undone, I say, undone! (flings herself onto the silken sheets and sobs)

(currently checking the string on her elven longbow +3 and deciding which arrows she needs for a... "hunt", shall it be +2's or piercing? )
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