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Old 12-31-2000, 10:30 AM   #1

Posts: n/a

Hello everyone !

I have got a problem with the Jaheira romance
script. The romance will not proceed, instead the same individual dialogue (the one about the "sleeping habits") keeps coming up again and again. I think the problem has been discussed before in a thread now seemingly lost in "the big crash part II". If I recall it correctly on that thread it was Armisael who suggested that this was a real bug and that it could be fixed by incrementing a global variable called "lovetalk" (or something like that) by 2 using Shadowkeeper. Unfortunately, up to now I have not been able to find such a variable. The only variables (with a connection to the romance script) I could find were the two called Jaheiraromance (value well above 10 million) and Jaheiraromanceactive (value 1 which just means "on" if I am not mistaken).

I think that the romances are easily the best part of the game, so any form of "counseling"
that could help us overcome our little communication
problem (I know, it is a classic: men are from Mars, women are from Venus, even the ones with pointed ears or so it seems ...) would be very welcome. And hey, my level of desperation has made me far less discriminating, thus I might even listen to someone not holding a degree in psychology !

Happy new year to all !
