Thread: Guns.
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Old 05-18-2002, 08:30 PM   #36

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Originally posted by andrewas:
Originally posted by Scholarcs:
Originally posted by andrewas:
Youd rather die than kill another? Fair enough. What about your family though?
I dont know about my family. I cannot speak for them.[/QUOTE]What I actualy meant was - would you rather have a family member die, than kill to protect them?

I know that I would rather kill someone than lose a family member, and I think I would rather kill than be killed.
[/QUOTE]In general despite any protests to the contrary most people will fight to save their life, no one willingly just lays their head down on the chopping block. It is easy for people sitting comfy at home to speculate on how they will react to these types of situation. Fortunately for most people, they never actually have to face that moment of truth, wether to let a loved one die or to kill defending them....or at least attempt to kill.

A lot of hot debate rages in the USA about deaths caused by guns in the USA, unfortunatley the Anti-gun lobbyists more often than not just list any death caused by a firearm (wether in self defense, murder, law enforcement, criminal act or accident) and cite that as a horrific statistic. What no one but the right winger NRA fanatics remember to point out is that with over 400million firewarms legally owned in the USA alone that the percentage of firearms used to commit crimes is very very minute. Making it impossible for law abiding citizens will in no way deter criminals from obtaining them and useing them in crimes, roughly 90% of the people who commit a crime with a firearm are already illegally in possesion of that firearm...and some one posted that something like 67% of all murders in the USA are comitted with a by that I assume that almost half of all murders don't involve a firearm....I think if we enforce the laws we have and make the penalties for the crimes involving weapons of any sort horrific we would accomplish a whole lot much for me not making a debate about this.....sorry just wanted to put some of the thoughts I have had while reading this thread... Thank everyone who has voted, I hope we get more votes wethere for or against with or without a post to accompany it.