Thread: Famous Atheists
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Old 10-24-2002, 03:32 PM   #19

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originally posted by Magik:
Einstein was an atheist? I thnk not, he had another quote to his credit that you may have missed. "God Does not play dice with the Universe" Uttered in a discussion about Quantum physics. Are there other possible paradoxes in your quotes? thats just one that I saw right off.

Originally posted by Attalus:
I'm with MagiK on this one, Mark, I saw no one one IR's thread that said anything remotely like that. What I said was that the good impulses of atheists and believers alike come from the same Source, whether they like it or not, and that none of your quotes have addressed that.

Oh, and, Magik, there is another Einstein quote, "I do not believe in a personal God."

Congratulations, boys! Together you make a complete wit.