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Old 11-22-2000, 01:41 PM   #2

Join Date: January 7, 2001
Location: Manchester, NH, USA
Posts: 1,025

Some thoughts/ideas ...

1. The cloak only protects against spells that directly attack the protected character. Area effect spells should still work.

2. I was playing an undead hunter with the cloak and was cleaning out the beholder dungeon in the Underdark. Or should I say, I was letting the beholders do all of the work. That is, until I ran into an Elder Orb that mazed me. Boy, was I pissed.

3. You could also try confusing the fighter (area effect) then summon some nasty critters to whup on the dazed fighter. Maybe convert yourself into a fighter using Tensors Transformation to join the fray.
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