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Old 02-02-2001, 02:22 PM   #1

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I remember when I tried more conventional methods ( I am playing multiplayer so all the wasps have 2x hitpoints etc), such as magic bombs, berserking in there, running like a mad chicken, etc... it was nearly impossible and after about 2 hours and about 12 deaths a piece (for both of us) I had a brainstorm.

The "Reflections" spell. Now I was only a level 16 warrior and had piss-poor mana, and reflections only lasted 5 seconds.

Yet I totally tore that quest up. All I did was buy about 20 mana pots, 10 healing pots. Set my mana pots in my belt, and kept the reflections spell on at all times. It was so easy! I had to heal maybe twice while I was taking out the entire nest. As long as you hav reflections on and spend your time attacking the nests, it's a very simple quest.

I'm serious. I was laughing at how easy it was to beat that quest with Reflections spell.
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