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Old 06-11-2002, 03:30 AM   #43

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
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Originally posted by Donut:
Not so Mel. You don't have to be hungry when dieting, you just have to eat the right things (easier said than done).

Perhaps that's what you meant. If you starve yourself to lose weight the body will go into starvation mode and require less food. If you then return to your original diet the body will pile on the pounds. Dieting is easy - I've done it hundreds of times.

When I had a weight problem I lost 147 lbs in 13 months. My weight isn't a problem to me anymore.
Yes, that's what I meant... Most people have no idea how to diet healthily and are just completely focused on "oh now I'm on a diet I can't have this cookie with my tea any more" (which makes them crave it all the more) etc. They usually try to cut down on food way too drastically, and usually don't get enough fibres... then when they relapse, they binge on food, then feel ashamed and guilty and start eating ridiculously small portions or raw vegetables only... you get the jojo-effect...
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