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Old 11-10-2009, 08:55 PM   #32
Jack Burton

Join Date: May 31, 2002
Location: Ireland
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Default Re: First Impressions

Yes you must pause to play this game. No exceptions. I mean, some fights you will pull off live, but it is mostly back to the BG and IWD days of pausing and queueing actions.

As far as cutscenes go, I kinda agree with you. I am not fond of them, but since NWN's 2 these are the new thing. I don't like completely losing control of my character *everytime* I talk to an NPC, with everything suddenly in cinematic mode and big black broders. Dramatic scenes fine, but every second NPC, not so fine.

I confess, sometimes I find myself pressing escape through the predicatable cutscenes just so I can get to the action. Don't get me wrong, I love all the content here, and the fact that so many NPC's actually have a voice...I just miss the old conversation windows with NPC voiceover. I wish there was an option to toggle it. Something like "disable cutscene cinematic view" and I would gladly take a transparent conversation box from NWN1.
Still I feel like a child when I look at the moon, maybe I grew up a little too soon...
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