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Old 04-07-2001, 10:11 PM   #15

Posts: n/a
no probs, lady r, i needed to get to sleep anyway, and unfortunately, must get going now as well, i hear a 5 of semi-gloss latex interior calling my name, you guys will have to party on for me, k?
JJ sets his stein back in it's place behind the bar, and with a regretful glance at the remaining keg of amberbock, grabs his +5 putty knife of smoothness, his +3 paintbrush, and heads back out to battle with the fearsome remodeling monster.
have a great night, my friends

Unstinting Gaurdian of Children
Defender of Those Unable To
Because Sometimes They're Wrapped Too Tight, I Am (about the only one left) The Resident Corset Loosener Of The Moon's Hope Inn Ladies' Guild (in training)