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Old 11-12-2009, 11:37 AM   #9
Jack Burton

Join Date: May 31, 2002
Location: Ireland
Posts: 5,854
Default Re: Common Sense Says Major Hasan Was a Terrorist

Agreed. Not really enough to enough justify a discussion. IMO he was a terrorist the moment he started terrorizing innocent people. But then, there is no sure definition of a terrorist as it stands today. I guess in this context a terrorist is supposed to be someone who prays before they kill people? So the rest of the mass murderers need to remember not to pray beforehand (at least out loud) so they can avoid that label.

To speak to the moderator's points, I agree and have said so more than once. Long articles that we all well know have one intention, only serve to hurt our eyes. I'll take a slow forum any day rather than being super-crit with the power of copy & paste every time I open a thread - which naturally contains no opinions, thoughts or anything constructive.

Like I said, one intent: To forward a political viewpoint, albeit, a severely warped one at that. But of course, we all know we're talking to a wall here. Pun intended.
Still I feel like a child when I look at the moon, maybe I grew up a little too soon...
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