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Old 07-14-2012, 11:04 PM   #9
40th Level Warrior

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Default Re: policy enforcement

*note: I ain't no lawyer. I don't even play one on TV. YMMV. DSMIHNMA.*

If this kind of selective enforcement can be documented and proven, then it puts the company in a bad position. If legal action is pursued, this behaviour effectively negates the policy and opens up the company for discrimination charges. What that means, I don't exactly know... lawyers in the appropriate state would have a much better idea.

All I can say is that a conversation with a friendly consumer affairs reporter from a local station may prove... enlightening. And leave the company with some hard questions to answer on air.

R: So is it normal practice to ignore policies until there's an employee you want to get rid of, then follow them slavishly, and then ignore them again when that person leaves?
C: Well.... ermmm... it's not like that.
R: So when do you decide which policies you want to enforce? Does it change every month? Week? Year? Hangover?
c: No comment.
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