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Old 07-10-2008, 03:30 PM   #1
Dundee Slaytern
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: June 10, 2001
Location: Pasir Ris, Singapore
Age: 41
Posts: 11,063
Crazed Silly Another Day In Thunder Bluff

Xanis Flameweaver took another deep breath from the stub in his mouth, inhaling the finely burnt smoke, before steadily exhaling it out in contentment. Life was peaceful.

"This is some good weed."

"I made it myself. Plucked the ingredients from the fertile soils of the Barrens and brew it with the finest chemicals."

Xanis widened his eyes and stared at the young Tauren male in front of him. Tenderherb was his name, and he was an aspiring Shaman. You don't see many of those these days, and for good reason.

"So I heard you just got your Water Totem recently?" Xanis casually inquired.

"Eh... Yes, so I did."

"Quite an adventure, I heard."

"May... be"

"So... how are Brine and Islen now?"

At the mention of the names, Tenderherb started to shuffle his legs and stare at his hooves intently.

"I heard Brine got into an accident and fell off her foolhardy clifftop hut. Praise be to the Earth Mother that there happened to be a pool of water at the base of the hill," Xanis said, pausing for a moment to take another puff before continuing, "Too bad for her the Hecklefang Hounds decided to become best friends with her. Last I heard, she was last seen running down south Gold Mine Road screaming for forgiveness."

"Is that so..."

"And Islen, ah yes Islen," Xanis chuckled to himself, "I don't know what possessed her to swim on top of Isha Awak..."


"I heard rumours that she was in fact... dragged there against her will and with stones tied to her ankles to boot..." Xanis said, with a wink in his eye.

"I wouldn't know about that..."

"Just rumours... just rumours," Xanis said breezily as he closed his eyes and inhaled the fumes of his burning stubby, "I bore you though... you've come here for only one thing."


"Your Air Totem."


"And from the constipated look on your face, I suppose you are expecting some sort of deliriously deranged sequence of life-threatening quests that requires you to leap through hoops of burning Hellfire, swim the seas of danger, cross the oceans of despair, run on the roads of damnation, and sneak past legions of bloodthristy Alliance people?"


"What would you do if I told you that you needed to rob the vaults of Ironforge?"

"I would probably seriously reconsider my choice of career."

"Heh, heh... any sane person would. Tell you what. I dunno what possessed that crazy coots to send you running in circles. You just want the damn totem, right? Take the Great Life down into the valley of the Thousand Needles and head east where you'll find Prate Cloudseer in a cave. She'll pass you your Air Totem."

"That's it?"

Xanis grinned, "I could make it harder, if you want."

"Hell no! Thanks, Xanis. You're the best!"

"Ain't I... ain't I..."

~~~~ ~~~~

If I ever find out who was the one who thought out the Call of Water quest and met him/her in person, I would probably be obliged on behalf of all Shaman players to give him/her a giant wedgie...

No, seriously... sadist much?

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