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Old 10-16-2001, 09:21 AM   #2

Posts: n/a
Good question, but too simplistic.

First, as a singular service member, you do not have the option of 'calling an airstrike'. Even as a commander on the ground, you may or may not, depending on the situation. You do, however, report the situation to the commanding ofcr who in turn reports and awaits official word. In the meanwhile, chances are you're in some way infiltrating the group to gather more intelligence.

BUT, if I were the service member in question who *did* have a role to play, I'd (as covertly as possible) isolate bin Laden from the group (there are *ways*) and let the rest go. This option satisfies the need for the innocents to away while at the same time prevents bin Laden to once again cower behind the skirts of women and children.

No US service man or woman I know of would have a problem doing just that, either.

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