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Old 07-25-2001, 06:49 AM   #9

Join Date: July 11, 2001
Location: Dae Han Min Guk
Age: 42
Posts: 185
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Amergin:
in one of the early dreams where she asks you if you remember saravok, she says something like "he sought your death, and mine". uh, excuse me? there was NOTHING in bg1 to indicate that saravok cared one whit about imoen; nor did elminster, or the harpers, etc etc.

In the dreams that you have of Imoen and Irenicus they are not actually representations of Imoen and Irenicus themselves. Rather, they represent the good and bad parts of your soul, so to speak. The Imoen in your dreams is your good side, the willpoer of your benevolent spirit (thus she screams when your soul is sucked out, as your good soul is being sucked out of you) and is personified by you subconsciously as Imoen as she is your oldest good friend (she's the first NPC to join you in BG1 after all). Irenicus is the evil tempting voice of Bhaal, trying to convince you to give in to your selfish side and thus give power to the Lord of Murder. Bhaals' hopes are that he can seduce/intimidate you into letting your will waver so that he can take control himself, and he does this in your dreams by taking the form of your most powerful enemy (so far), Irenicus, and by offering you 'power'. Saravok did seek the death of your good soul (dream imoen) in BG1. Watch through the dreams again with this in mind and it all falls into place (kinda like watching Fight Club for a second time after you know what the whole big twist is).

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